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List of All disorders

Digestion and absorption

 Jaundice  liver affected, skin plus eyes becomes yellow   bile pigments deposited

 Vomiting is controlled by the medulla and nausea is followed by vomiting

Diarrhea  liquid fecal discharge,  reduced absorption of food

 Constipation  feces retained within the rectum

Indigestion Due to inadequate enzyme secretion  Overeating and spicy food

Breathing and exchange of gases

 Inflammation of bronchi and bronchiole, difficulty in breathing

 Emphysema  Alveolar walls damaged,  smoker’s disease, the major cause is cigarette smoking

Occupational respiratory disorders  long exposure to particulate matter causes inflammation of alveoli, and leads to fibrosis, eg: Silicosis & Asbestosis

 Body fluids and circulatory system

Hypertension  blood pressure is higher than normal [140/ 90 mmHg or higher]

                 Normal blood pressure range 120/80 mmHg

Hypotension  blood pressure is lower than normal  [100/ 70 mmHg or lesser]

Coronary heart disease

  • it is also known as atherosclerosis, 
  •  it is caused due to calcium deposition fat deposition
  •  cholesterol deposition, and  
  • fibrous tissue deposition

 Angina  It is an acute chest pain due to inadequate oxygen supply,  commonly found in middle age people.

Heart failure occurs when the heart fails to pump the required amount of blood out of the heart

  •  It mostly occurs due to congestion of the lungs and hence it is also called congestive heart failure

 Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating

 A heart attack is when the heart muscle is damaged due to an inadequate blood supply it is known as a heart attack

 Excretion and osmoregulation

Uremia is simply an accumulation of urea in the blood

Renal failure  here the kidney fails to filter the blood

Renal calculi  it is also known as kidney stones,  stones of salts like oxalate urate, etc are formed

Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney

 Locomotion and movement

Myasthenia gravis  it's an autoimmune disorder

  •  it affects the neuromuscular junction
  •  it may lead to paralysis of skeletal muscles

 Muscular dystrophy is a progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles,  it's a genetic problem.

Tetany is a rapid spasm in muscles due to low calcium concentration

 Arthritis is inflammation in joints,  it is an age-related disorder

 Osteoporosis is decreased bone mass, fracture of bone possibly may occur

 in females, it is due to reduced levels of estrogen

 Neural control and coordination

In Parkinson’s disease  in this disease, the cells that release dopamine are affected

  •  the person is not able to move his body normally
  •  it might often lead to paralysis
  •  there’s no proper treatment for Parkinson’s disease
  •  but can be controlled by medicines and therapies

Epilepsy or epileptic feat

  •  in this case, a person experiencing Seizures  with an abnormal behavior
  • It might be genetics all it is due to a head injury

 Alzheimer’s disease  

  •  this disease attacks the cell brain and makes them degenerate in most cases person suffers from dementia.
  •  there is no permanent cure. but medications help the condition become less problematic

 Multiple sclerosis

  •  in this disease, the insulating cover of the nerves gets degenerated the person may suffer from blindness and also there is a loss of sensory perception

 Chemical control and integration

Disorders of growth hormone.

hypersecretion of growth hormone stimulates the abnormal growth that leads to gigantism and acromegaly

gigantism occurs in childhood while acromegaly occurs during adulthood

Hyposecretion of growth hormone is responsible for   Pituitary dwarfism the individuals are known as dwarf

 Disorders of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Hyposecretion leads to thyroid atrophy

Hypersecretion produces symptoms like Graves’ disease

 Disorders of ACTH.

Hypersecretion of ACTH Leeds to rheumatoid arthritis 

  • while hypo secretion leads to excessive growth of the adrenal cortex


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